Thursday, June 5, 2014

Defining Albums of Freshman Year

Alrighty kiddos, so my colleague Carter and I had been kicking around this idea of writing about the albums that defined our freshman years of college. Well, I liked the idea so I am going to be stealing it. Freshman year was an interesting time for me, and I feel like I created some pretty strong associations with the albums I was listening to. Freshman year my music taste evolved a lot, probably more than any other time. For the first time, indie rock started to replace punk as my “bread and butter” music genre. I also got into some classics like The Idiot, Daydream Nation, and Remain in Light, but those albums didn’t really create a strong connection to anything for me. Sorry Carter, but Sound of Silver didn’t make the cut for me either. “Someone Great” is still an incredible song, though.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Freshman Year Albums, A Retrospective

This is an article on the albums that were the most dear to me my first year of college. They aren't necessarily the best records I heard (though they're certainly among them), but rather those defined freshman year for me. They are roughly in chronological order of when their influence was most pronounced. Collectively they tell the story of my year pretty well. The lyrics are also YouTube links if you're into that.

Honorable mentions