Sunday, February 9, 2020

Avery's Top 100 Albums of the 2010s

I was 15 years old in 2010. To state the obvious, my music taste was not then what it is now. Over the years, I have shifted from my punk rock roots to hip-hop, then to indie rock and back again, then on to country and R&B. A “Best of the 2010s” list of this sort cannot but be a haphazard patchwork of proclivities past and present, a Frankenstein monster comprised of innumerable snapshots. As such, this list is ranked very loosely. My intention was to balance my current taste with albums that were important to me when they were released, which includes albums that I hold fond memories of but have not listened to in several years. If my RYM calculations are correct, I rated approximately 640 albums that were released this decade. I bring this up only to note that there are many albums that I very much enjoy but did not make the list.